Flaming Star Nebula

C31 IC 405 Flaing Star Nebulawordssmaller
C31 IC 405 Flaing Star Nebulawordssmaller


IC 405, Caldwell 31 or the Flaming Star Nebula is an emission/reflection nebula that requires darkness and patience to pull details out. A 12.5” reflector was used here to observe and a NPB filter from DMG optics helpful. I observed & sketched the same object 3 years ago and didn’t see the details visible this time around. I would partly account this to gaining greater ability from sketching the object again with more patience this time around.

Proper motion studies of AE Auriga show it to be an ejected star from the Orion Belt region. Its chance passage through this nebulous region of gas & dust give it a “Flaming Star” appearance.

Heavyweight white paper, 2B pencil, charcoal and brush.
Photoscape to invert
12.5” Portaball 80X
NPB DMG Optics Filter

Cindy (Thia) Krach
Maui, Hawaii

The Horsehead Area with a RFT

Horsehead Nebula Environs
Horsehead Nebula Environs

Object name: IC434, B33, Horsehead Nebula
Object type: dark nebula
Location: Cottage Grove Lake, Oregon
Date: Feb 21, 2015
Media: charcoal and graphite pencils on drawing paper, scanned to jpg

Telescope: 13.2 inch [34cm] f/3.0 on a night of incredible transparency
Eyepiece: 21mm Ethos giving a 1.8 degree field of view
Filter: H-Beta

Mel Bartels

The Great Nebula of Orion

M42 and M43, "The Great Nebula of Orion", a giant star forming region in the Milky Way Galaxy  - December 23, 2014
M42 and M43, “The Great Nebula of Orion”, a giant star forming region in the Milky Way Galaxy – December 23, 2014
M42 and M43 - Original "positive" graphite sketch on white paper
M42 and M43 – Original “positive” graphite sketch on white paper

Here is myobservation and sketch from 23.12.2014
Messier 42/43
Telescope: 16″
v= 90-180x
Without and UHC
Observation: Adelegg/Stafflangen, Germany(1080m/560m)

Nebulosa de Orion (M-42)

M 42, "The Great Nebula in Orion", a giant  star forming region that contains emission, reflection and dark nebulae located in the constellation Orion
M 42, “The Great Nebula in Orion”, a giant star forming region that contains emission, reflection and dark nebulae located in the constellation Orion

Object name: M-42
Object type: Nebulosa brillante
Location: Pelayos de la Presa (Madrid) España
Date: 21-Dic-2014 Hora: 02:45 T.U:
Media: lápiz de grafito; A4 de 120 gr; difumino; procesado con GIMP 2.4
Equipo: Refractor Acromático Bresser Messier 152L 1200mm; F/7.8. Montura: HEQ5 Pro. Ocular: WO 2″ 25mm 48X.
Condiciones de observación: Cielo rural urbano con algo de viento y una magnitud límite de 6 a simple vista en el cenit; humedad del 70% aproximádamente

Object name: M-42
Object type: Bright Nebula
Location: Pelayo de la Presa (Madrid) Spain
Date: 21-Dec-2014 Time: 2:45 T.U:
Media: pencil graphite; A4 120 gr; stump; processed with GIMP 2.4
Team: Achromatic Refractor Bresser Messier 152L 1200mm; F / 7.8. Frame:. HEQ5 Pro Ocular: WO 2 “25mm 48X.
Conditions of observation: urban rural sky with some wind and a limiting magnitude of 6 to glance at the zenith; Approximately 70% humidity

The Witch Head Nebula

IC 2118 aka NGC 1909, "The Witch Head Nebula", a large reflection nebula in the constellation Eridanus
IC 2118 aka NGC 1909, “The Witch Head Nebula”, a large reflection nebula in the constellation Eridanus

Winter arrives, and with it, all the Orion wide field.
Therefore, it’s time for me to propose a drawing of an elusive object of that region: Witch’s Head Nebula, IC 2118.

This observation spent on 3 nights, for an amount of a bit more of 6 hours !
Here are my observing notes:

IC 2118, aka NGC 1909
dates of observation: 8, 9, & 13 02 2013
site: Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales, southern french Alps (www.obs-bp.com)

observing conditions: naked eye visual magnitude 6.6 on UMi, SQML 21.50 to 21.57 at zenith
Instrument: Dobson Obsession 25” (635mm)
power: 100x, with Nagler 31mm and CLS filter.
Drawing with Paintshop Pro 7.

You can have a detailed report at: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/ic-2118/dsdlang/fr

Clear skies for all of you !

from Marseille, France

Nebulosa de Orión (Orion Nebula)

Messier 42, "The Great Nebula of Orion", a giant stellar nursery in the constellation Orion
Messier 42, “The Great Nebula of Orion”, a giant stellar nursery in the constellation Orion

Object Name: M42.
Object Type: Nebula.
Location: Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Date 05/12/2014, 00:15am.
Media: White paper, pencil and photoshop to invert colors and make minor tweaks.
Equipment used for the drawing: Helios 114/900 (reflector).
Ocular: Huygens 25mm.

The Iris Nebula

NGC 7023, a reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus
NGC 7023, a reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus

Hi community ASOD, in holidays past summer I had the opportunity to travel to a great place with black skies. A goal Iris nebula in the constellation Cepheus. Easily detected at low power and lose contrast and light passing 100x. The star of magnitude about 7 something brighter northern main oval, followed by gaseous envelope that covers most of extension. In the south 2 star within the gas cloud, leading to the isosceles triangle with the brightest star. A magnificent object late summer.

Best Regards.

Object name: NGC7023
Object type: Reflection Nebula
Location: Cazorla Natural Park Granada ( Spain )
Date: 28 July 2014
Hour: 02:45 < 03:30
Media: Graphite pencil, processed and inverted gimp 2.8
Optical equipment: Dobsonian telescope Meade Lightbridge 10'' F/5 Eye piece Ethos 13mm
Magnification 97x True field 1°
Sky conditions: Calm wind, transparency 4/5 Seeing 4/5. Temperature 12,6°C / RH 58% SQM 21,72 Bortle 2/9

http://dibujodelcielonocturno.blogspot.com.es/ web site

A Delta Winged Aircraft

NGC 1999 - A reflection nebula in Orion
NGC 1999 – A reflection nebula in Orion

I would like to show, through this drawing, how the seeing is important to observe and describe very little objects.

Object: NGC 1999
Object type: reflection nebula and globule
Constellation: Ori
Date of observation: 2011 10 01
Length of observation: 60 min
Height of object above horizon: 28.5°
Observing site: Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales (Southern French Alps)
Observing conditions; exceptionally good, mag limit 6.7v, SQM 21.50, FWMH 0.9” !!!
Instrument: Dobson Obsession 25”
Eypiece: Ethos 6mm, without filter, power 520x

Notes: I am astonished: at the eyepiece, I have in front of me a delta winged aircraft, perfectly clean. Extremities of wings are curved, the “head” of the craft easely detailleable. The encreasing of bright nebulosities around the head and at the back of the wings have also been noticed.
The caracteristic blue color of reflection nebulae is obvious.

Much more details can be found at www.deepsky-drawings.com



M78, A profile of tropical fish

Messier 78, Reflection nebula
Messier 78, Reflection nebula

Hi everyone!

I observed M78 &34 in Nov. midnight with my 15″ Dob.

While I drew M78, I reminded of tropical fish, it’s side face 🙂

The nebulousity of NGC 2071 is shine dimly.

Where does this tropical fish came from?

Deep cosmos? Deep see? or My eyes? 🙂

Object Name : M78
Object Type : Reflection Nebula
Location : S. Korea
Date : Nov. 11, 2013
Media : Black paper, Jelly pen, Pastel pencel