Hi community ASOD, in holidays past summer I had the opportunity to travel to a great place with black skies. A goal Iris nebula in the constellation Cepheus. Easily detected at low power and lose contrast and light passing 100x. The star of magnitude about 7 something brighter northern main oval, followed by gaseous envelope that covers most of extension. In the south 2 star within the gas cloud, leading to the isosceles triangle with the brightest star. A magnificent object late summer.
Best Regards.
Object name: NGC7023
Object type: Reflection Nebula
Location: Cazorla Natural Park Granada ( Spain )
Date: 28 July 2014
Hour: 02:45 < 03:30
Media: Graphite pencil, processed and inverted gimp 2.8
Optical equipment: Dobsonian telescope Meade Lightbridge 10'' F/5 Eye piece Ethos 13mm
Magnification 97x True field 1°
Sky conditions: Calm wind, transparency 4/5 Seeing 4/5. Temperature 12,6°C / RH 58% SQM 21,72 Bortle 2/9