Winter arrives, and with it, all the Orion wide field.
Therefore, it’s time for me to propose a drawing of an elusive object of that region: Witch’s Head Nebula, IC 2118.
This observation spent on 3 nights, for an amount of a bit more of 6 hours !
Here are my observing notes:
IC 2118, aka NGC 1909
dates of observation: 8, 9, & 13 02 2013
site: Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales, southern french Alps (www.obs-bp.com)
observing conditions: naked eye visual magnitude 6.6 on UMi, SQML 21.50 to 21.57 at zenith
Instrument: Dobson Obsession 25” (635mm)
power: 100x, with Nagler 31mm and CLS filter.
Drawing with Paintshop Pro 7.
You can have a detailed report at: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/ic-2118/dsdlang/fr
Clear skies for all of you !
from Marseille, France
Wonderful Bertrand, even with the perfect conditions and excellent equipment, I wouldn’t be able to do such a good job!…
I like especially the details like the three galaxies and the cross on stars. It’s much better than a photograph.
This sketch is a must! The 6 hours spent on this stuff were a good investment…
Jean-Marc (astroclub APAM – Tarn – France)
Hi Bertrand, superb work, nice to meet you here !
I very much enjoyed your sketch. This object continues to elude me, you have done an excellent job showing how dim and diffuse it appears.
A most impressive capture.
Such a beautiful drawing, thank you for sharing and all the fine detailing!