NGC 2266

NGC 2266
NGC 2266

• Object Name: NGC 2266

• Object Type: Open cluster

• Location: San Martín de Montalbán Spain

• Date: 2015/03/14

• Media: Graphite Pencil HB 2, torchon 1 and 130g drawing sheet

• Inverted color GIMP 2.8

Notas de observación:

NGC 2266 es un cúmulo abierto en la constelación de Geminis; fácil de encontrar; se encuentra a 1º 50’ de la estrella epsilon. Unas cartas de mag. 6,5 son suficientes para localizarle.

De magnitud 9.5, no lo aprecio en el buscador de 9x.

Es un pequeño y llamativo grupo bien separado del fondo que se halla en un campo estelar rico.

Tiene forma de triángulo, en el que destaca uno de sus lados formado por una cadena arqueada de varias estrellas brillantes, cuya magnitud va descendiendo gradualmente desde una de las estrellas de una esquina (mag. 9).

Concentrado al medio, con dos docenas de estrellas pequeñas diseminadas irregularmente y con un fondo moteado debido a las estrellas que no son resolubles con este equipo.

De tamaño considerablemente grande, unos 5’ o 6’.

Observation notes:

NGC 2266 is an open cluster in the constellation Gemini, easy to find; 1 is at 50 ‘of the star epsilon. Letters of mag. 6.5 are sufficient to locate. Magnitude 9.5 do not appreciate it in the search box 9x.

Is on small and striking good fund separate group that is in a rich star field.

It is a triangle, which highlights one side formed by a curved chain of several bright stars, whose magnitude gradually descending from one of the stars of a corner (mag. 9).

Concentrated in the middle, with two dozen small stars scattered irregularly and with a mottled background because the stars are not solvable with this team.

Considerably large, about 5 ‘or 6’.

Greetings to all visitors of this page.

PVG. Alcorcon, Madrid 2015/06/10

Messier 13 – Great Globular in Hercules

Messier 13
Messier 13

ASOD: ” Messier 13, Great Globular in Hercules”

Object Name: Messier 13

Object Type: Globular cluster

Date: 05/16/15

Location: A Coruña, Galicia. Spain.

Media: pencil, white paper, color invert with Gimp.

Dobson 305 mm and Vixen LVW 13 mm (115x)

Seein: 3/5 (fair)

This is my draw of the Great globular cluster in Hercules that we can enjoy in this nights. This globular cluster is located 25000 light years from us and contains more than 300,000 stars.

Messier 5

Messier 5
Messier 5

Messier 5

Object Type: Globular Cluster

Location: Tarragona – Spain

M5 is undoubtedly one of the finest globular clusters we can observe with our telescopes, But I have to admit that I was not able to show all the beauty I saw through the eyepiece, better to take a look for yourselves .

For more details of my observation you can visit my blog:

Date and Time: 2015-05-09, 00h 10m UT

Telescope: SC Celestron 235mm (9.25″); CGEM mount.

Eyepiece: Nagler 16mm Type 5 (x146.88)

White paper, HB2 graphite pencil, scanned and inverted with Gimp 2

Seeing: 3/5 (5 the best)

Transparency: Clear. Rural skies.

Location Constellation: Serpens Caput

Position: R.A. 15 h 18 min / Dec. +02° 05′

Thank you and best regards.


Messier 44 with Meade ETX 70AT

Messier 44
Messier 44

Object Name: M44 (Praesepe/El Pesebre)

Object Type: Open Cluster

Location: Leioa (Bizkaia) – Spain

Date: 2015-04-01 / 23h 35m U.T.

Media: White paper, HB graphite pencil, scanned and inverted/processed with Photoshop

Telescope: Meade ETX 70AT

Eyepiece: Hyperion zoom 8-24mm a 8mm (44X)

Transparency: City Skies.

Location Constellation: Cancer

Assessments:I use the zoom eyepiece at 8mm position (44X), center brighter area of cluster and start to draw what I see, initially see little stars, and as I start acclimating sight see more stars and more clearly, some brightest stars and other stars least, I drawing that I saw, the Moon is almost full and does not help in the observation and I greatly clear sky.

Comentarios: Utilizo el ocular zoom en la posición de 8mm (44X), centro la parte mas brillante y comienzo a dibujar lo que veo, al principio veo pocas estrellas, pero a medida que voy aclimatando la vista comienzo a ver mas estrellas y mas claramente, unas mas brillantes y otras menos, dibujo las que voy viendo, el que la Luna este casi llena no ayuda en la observación ya que me aclara mucho el cielo.

For more details of my observation, you can visit my blog:

Thank you and best regards