Media: pencil, white paper, color invert with Gimp.
Dobson 305 mm and Vixen LVW 13 mm (115x)
Seein: 3/5 (fair)
This is my draw of the Great globular cluster in Hercules that we can enjoy in this nights. This globular cluster is located 25000 light years from us and contains more than 300,000 stars.
M5 is undoubtedly one of the finest globular clusters we can observe with our telescopes, But I have to admit that I was not able to show all the beauty I saw through the eyepiece, better to take a look for yourselves .
For more details of my observation you can visit my blog:
Object Name NGC 5139
Object Type Globular Cluster
Location Ramos Mejia – Buenos Aires – Argentina
Date 26/03/2015
Media (graphite pencil, white paper, digital tools: Phootoshop CS6
Object Name: NGC 5286
Object Type: Globular Cluster
Location: La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 23/02/2015
Media: Graphite pencil, white paper, Photoshop
Info: This sketch was done using a Newtonian telescope, 150/750 f5, at 1 a.m. . Seeing was tolerable.
The globular clusters NGC 2808, NGC 362, and Omega Centauri, drawn as part of a “globular cluster challenge sponsored by the “Deep Space Forum”
This is an internal challenge the forum , astronomical section drawing, in which it was proposed to draw a globular cluster choice and these are the results. The credit of this picture is for Leandro Yasutake, Claudio Vidolini and Martin Boni, and we are representing .
The three drawings were made in different parts of Argentina. The first (NGC 2808) was held in San Miguel, Buenos Aires. The second (NGC 362) in Malabrigo, Santa Fe; and the third (Omega Cen) in the town of Pergamino, Buenos Aires.
Equipment Used:
NGC 2808:
Telescope: Dobson 12 “.
Ocular: Plossl 10mm.
NGC 362:
Telescope: SW 305mm.
Ocular: Baader Hyperion 21mm.
Este es un desafío interno del foro, de la sección de dibujo astronómico, en el que se planteó dibujar un cúmulo globular a elección y estos son los resultados. El crédito de esta imagen es para Leandro Yasutake, Claudio Vidolini y Martín Boni, y estamos en representación de
Los tres dibujos fueron realizados en lugares diferentes de Argentina. El primero (NGC 2808) se realizó en San Miguel, Buenos Aires. El segundo (NGC 362) en Malabrigo, Santa Fe; y el tercero (Omega Cen) en la localidad de Pergamino, Buenos Aires.
Equipos Utilizados:
NGC 2808:
Telescopio: Dobson 12”.
Ocular: Plossl 10mm.
NGC 362:
Telescopio: SW 305mm.
Ocular: Baader Hyperion 21mm.
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) and the globular star cluster M79 in the constellation Lepus
M79 and Comet Lovejoy in Lepus
I have been monitoring comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2) for the past several nights and on this occasion they both shared the same field of view at130 power. I was using my daughter’s 10 inch Orion Dobsonian telescope and was able to capture this sketch under clear skies and good seeing conditions. The observation site was in eastern Mesa, Arizona with a good view to the south. The comet can be seen much brighter and larger in angular size than than 8.5 magnitude globular cluster M 79. This was a pleasing view at the eyepiece with the comet showing a hint of green color. I switched to 48 power and a wider field of view for the sketch.
White and Black Conte’ pastel pencils on black sketching paper
blending stump and Pink Pearl eraser also used
R.A. 05hr 24′ ; Dec. -24 degrees 33min.
Comet distance less than 100million km.
M79 distance 42,100 light years 150 million stars
Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy in conjunction with M79, a globular star cluster in the constellation Lepus -December 29, 2014
Object Name C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy and M79
Object Type Comet and Globular cluster
Location Granadero Baigorria, Santa Fe, Argentina
Date 29/12/14
Media I use pencil, paper, and Gimp to invert colour
Conjunción del cometa Lovejoy con el cúmulo globular M79, en la constelación de la liebre.
El equipo con el cual se realizo la observación es un telescopio reflector sw 150/750 con un ocular de 25.
Podemos notar un bonito “triángulo ” entre el Cometa, m79 y la estrella HIP 25045 A. Se pudo observar un color con tintes verdosos hacia el centro del cometa. No se pudo observar coma
Google translate:
Comet Lovejoy conjunction with the globular cluster M79 in the constellation of the hare.
The equipment with which the observation was performed is a reflecting telescope with an eyepiece 150/750 sw 25.
We can notice a nice “triangle” between the Comet, m79 and the star HIP 25045 A. It was observed color with greenish tints to the center of the comet. Could be observed comma