Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter – August 18, 2014
Object Name– Venus, Jupiter Object Type Conjunction of planets Location Pesaro, Italy Date 18th August 2014
I woke up early at 5:00 o’clock to take a look at this marvelous conjunction. It was still night at the time and I was surprised with a mighty view of the rising Orion. I waited on my balcony for until the planets were visible over the roofs in front me. I quickly took my pencil and drew what I saw on the eyepiece of telescope, but the seeing was awful and just two moons were visible. The view of this two small lights dancing together over the roof in the cold morning was much more intriguing, so I tried to sketch the whole landscape. Never tried this kind of astronomy sketch before, probably my first landscape since I was a child.
July 4-8, 2014 – Conjunction of Moon with Mars, Saturn and SpicaJuly 4-8, 2014 – Conjunction of the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Spica
* Object Name (Moon, Mars, Saturn)
* Object Type (Conjunctions)
* Location (Artignosc-sur-Verdon – Provence – France)
* Date (2014 from 4 to 8 July)
* Media (Watercolour, white paper, to invert the result)
From July 4 to 8 Moon played with planets. From a purely astronomical point of view the Moon showed us some beautiful conjunctions, Mars, Spica and then Saturn. By the way the game was a little complicated with the clouds. What a season!
On July 5, the moon was still visible behind heavy clouds. The next day, I have not even been able to detect the moon light ! I had to invent the sky. July 7, when the Moon approaches Saturn, clouds returned to disturb the magic of the moment. I’m a bit fed-up about this weather, and I think not being alone!
The advantage of astro-artist on the astro-photographer is that we can complete our design. This time I have to add the missing lunar position on the view. And to capture those irritating clouds, I painted a hazy wash around the Moon as was the case on July 5.
The small hilltop village that served as a foreground is called Artignosc-sur-Verdon. I confess to being quite happy by this view. Artignosc is just halfway to two now well-known astro-spots “The Blaque” in Varages and the OAB in Bauduen. And ‘cause we are nevertheless in Provence, believe me above the clouds the sky is very dark!
Still … what a season!
To do this watercolour, I went out on my terrace at ten PM every night, sometimes before the storm, sometimes after and once during, being passionate or you do not. Every time I sketched some sketches in a hurry, and took two or three pictures allow me to keep the shades. At the workshop, I started by gathering the different positions of the stars and their locations relative to the village. In less than a week, only the Lunar race was noteworthy, Mars and Saturn are much quieter than the stars. Then I realized in reverse mode (colors and contrast) this watercolour. I just had to scan my sheet and reverse the colors.
The conjunction of the Moon and Venus – January 2, 2014
I got a quick walk up the hill behind the house this afternoon with 8×32 Nikon binoculars, I scanned for Venus at 16.20ut and was surprised to see a very thin crescent moon in the same fov, also even in the binoculars Venus was a sharp and beautiful crescent, I walked home quickly and made a memory painting in watercolours to try and capture a totally exquisite sight 🙂
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter – April 14, 2013
Moon in corona and Jupiter in Conjunction (14-04-2013)
The lunar light diffracted by water drops, gave a beautifull spectacle of colored ring around the Moon just – like an aureole ! Near shone the the largest planet in the Solar System with his four Galilean moons!
Jupiter and Moons were also in small halos 😉
It was remarkable and unforgettable conjunction!
Yours Robert!
Sketch details:
Object Name: Two beautiful phenomenons in one
Object Type: The Conjunction
Location: Poland, Oborniki
Date: 14-04-2013
Equipment: APO 80/480
Power 12x, field of Swan 40mm, details of the Moon -ES 16mm and 8mm HD BST
Object Artist: Robert Twarogal (Ignisdei)
Planetary conjunction at dawn: Mars in The Beehive (M44)
Graphite drawing on white paper (inverted Ps).
Binocular 12×80 (4,2º) at 4:30 UT (height of Mars 21º over horizon)
Mars is within the cluster and framed by the four stars of
Cancer (Asellus Borealis, Asellus Australis, 31 Cnc and 33 Cnc). Its colour was bright orange between blue and white stars.
Object Name (Mercury, Venus and Saturn)
Object Type (Planets conjunction)
Location (Rocbaron Provence France)
Date (December 5th 2012 5:55 UT)
Media (Watercolour on 300gr paper plus white colour for planets)
It was quite cold this morning 1°C but I would like to see the rising of Mercury from my terrace.
Bottom-up we can see: Mercury near the chimney, Venus near alpha Libra, Saturn and Spica .
Clear sky to you all, and if possible, with warmer atmosphere !
Object Name: Pluto and Palomar 8
Object Type: Planet and globular cluster
Location: Cherry Springs, Pennsylvania
Date: July 17, 2013
Media: graphite pencil, white paper, digitally inverted
Notes: 16″ Newtonian and 8 mm Ethos ocular, 225x. West left (arrow on sketch), north down. Pluto is indicated between two vertical dashes among stars. The nebulosity is the unresolved globular cluster Palomar 8. Sagittarius. The true conjunction was around 0 UT on July 15; the observation was made around 06:00 UT on July 17.
Object Name (Mercury and Venus)
Object Type (Planet conjunction)
Location (Val d’Issole)
Date (June 20th 2013)
Media (Watercolour for the landscape and graphite pencil for the planets)
During this very “non cloudy” evening with a perfect transparency, I observed this planet conjunction from my own terrace. I use a 10×50 binocular to find Mercury as early as possible, then with my 102/1000 refractor I begin to sketch this planet that I see with a pale orange light, until masking by the horizon. Some time after, I sketched Venus, with a more blue light. The EP I used was a 40mm to find the planets and then a 10mm SWA to sketch.
What is uncommon here is the apparent diameter of both planets, they looks very similar in size but with very different colours. In fact, Mercury was close to us, nearly between the sun and the earth, and Venus was far further our star.