Sunrise at Mare Crisium

Mare Crisium
Mare Crisium


find attached a charcoal and pastel sketch of the sunrise at Mare Crisium. I hope you like it.

Object Name: Mare Crisium, eastern part
Object Type: Lunar Maria
Location: Germany, Dusseldorf area
Date: 2015-03-22, 2020-2100 CET
Media: chalk pastel pencil and charcoal pencil on black sketching cardbox
Telescope: Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT
Eyepiece: TS HR Planetary 7mm

Clear skies


3 thoughts on “Sunrise at Mare Crisium”

  1. It should not be easy to draw the Moon with a white pastel pencil. It’s a great sketch Achim, congratulations.



  2. Achim,

    Great sketch, as always I enjoy your capture of the most dramatic features.


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