C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – 13 January 2015

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - 13 January 2015
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – 13 January 2015

Object Name C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)
Object Type comet
Location Budy Dłutowskie – small village in central Poland
Date 13.01.2015
Media graphite pencil, white paper, color invert
Telescope binocular Leidory 22×100
Seeing 3/5 (medium)
Transparency 3/5 (medium)
NELM 6 mag

In January 2015 comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) was really bright.
In big 22×100 bino view was really breathtaking.

Clear Sky

Messier 51 and NGC 5195

Messier 51 and NGC 5195
Messier 51 and NGC 5195

ASOD: ” M51 and NGC 5195″

Object Name: Messier 51 and NGC 5195

Object Type: Galaxy

Date: 04/12/15

Location: A Coruña, Galicia. Spain.

Media: pencil, white paper, color invert with Gimp.

Dobson 305 mm and Vixen LVW 17 mm (88x)

Seein: 2/5 (regular-bad)

This is my draw of this beautiful pair of galaxies. That night the seeing was not very good and Jupiter vision was suffering a lot, so I pointed at some galaxies. My north sky has some luminic contamination so the sky background is not totally dark. Nonetheless M51 shows a very contrasted image. I could see two arms and a darker space between them. The end of the arm opposite to NGC 5195 had weaker light but the arm that touches 5195 was clearly visible. A wonderful sight¡¡

Comet Lovejoy from Chinese Skies

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - 20/30 December 2014
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – 20/30 December 2014

Object name: C/2014 Q2 Comet Lovejoy
Object type: Comet
Location: Lijiang, China
Date: 20th and 30th of December , 2014
Media: Graphite pencil and yellow notebook paper. Scanned, inverted and processed in photoshop CS6
Equipment: 15×70 Binoculars

Seeing Conditions:

20th Dec: Clear, seeing 2/3, T 0° C, moonless, some direct light over the observation site, Bortle 5
30th Dec: Clear, seeing 1/3, crescent moon, artificial sources of light close to the observation site, Bortle 5.

Hello dear ASOD friends,

Since I saw this wonderful comet on last december, I haven’t had the opportunity to process the raw sketches on photoshop.
I was initially planning to do one sketch, but since on 30th December there was a “conjunction” with M79, I decided to compare how bright they seemed compared each other. There was an enormous difference in apparent magnitude between the two objects as you can see in the sketch. I have the “feeling” of having seen the comet tail but being honest I could not adapt well my night vision since there was a lot of artificial lights around and therefore It could be just a “feeling” than a real view.

Once again let me invite you to check other of my sketches in my blog: pollutedskiesstargazing.blogspot.com.



Cluster of Gems

NGC 3293
NGC 3293

Hi ASOD. My name is Renato Trono Figueras. I’m 15 years old. I’m from Lincoln, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Object Name: NGC 3293

Object Type: Open Cluster

Location: Lincoln, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Date: 01/03/2015

Media: Graphite Pencil- 2H, 4H, HB, 2B and 4B- PS

Telescope: Celestron 114mm/900mm

Eyepiece: SP 32mm

Seeing: Regular

Transparency: Regular

Weather: Clear

I hope you post my sketch soon. Thanks you very much!

Regards & Nice Skys


Messier 42 and 43
Messier 42 and 43

Nombre de objeto (M42
Tipo de objeto (Nebulosa.)
Ubicación (Observatorio Astronomico Orion)
Fecha (15-02-2015)
Medios (lápiz de grafito,.)

Bueno pues vos presento el dibujo de esta noche, que trabajo me ha costado.
Mas de una hora dibujando y a merecido la pena para poder plasmar tanta belleza en un papel con unos lapiceros de grafito, un difumino y mucha paciencia.
Que lo disfruteis.


[English translation via Google Translate]
Well I present you tonight’s drawing, that work has cost me.
More than an hour drawing already worthwhile to capture such beauty on paper with a graphite pencils a stump and patience.
I hope you enjoy it.

M42 AND M43 Under Polluted Suburban Skies

M42, M43
Messier 42 and 43

Object Name: M42 Orion´s Nebula and M43 Marian´s Nebula
Object Type: Nebulas
Location: Boadilla del Monte, Madrid. Polluted suburban skies.
SW refractor 102/1000; Ocular 25mm; 40x; No filter; No barlow.
Date: 27 March 2015; 22:30 hrs
Media: Black pencil on White paper. Inverted colors with Fitswork.
Magnitude: M42: 4,00 ; M43: 9,00
Seeing: 4/5

Thank´s a lot,