Eclipse totale de Lune du 4 avril 2015, observée au T400x80 à Nouméa, lors d’une soirée publique. Ce chapelet est un compositage de 5 croquis (crayons de couleur sur papier blanc) où sont notées le rendu global (teintes, lumière, position) avec un dessin de pleine Lune réalisée le lendemain. Les nuages en début de séance ajoutent un effet interessant.
[English translation via Google Translate]
Total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015, observed T400x80 in Noumea, at a public event. This rosary is a composite of five sketches (colored pencils on white paper) which are rated the overall rendering (colors, light, position) with a full moon made the next drawing. The clouds in early trading add an interesting effect.
Eyes turned to the sky early this morning on Maui for the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st Century. This is due to the Moon passing through the edge of the umbra instead of the center where the circular diameter of the Earths shadow would be widest. The maximum time for totality (when the Moon passes into the umbra) can be up to 1 hour 40 minutes so the umbral portion lasting only a little more than 4 minutes is a short one. The time of partial eclipse this morning made for a beautiful transition across the lunar surface of darkness and then totality. As I always see a rabbit in the Moon I thought maybe the Easter Rabbit Moon has a lot to do getting all those eggs hidden and no time for a long performance, though it was still a great show!
This is a 7×50 binocular view sketch during totality. The Rabbit in the Moon appears to be flying a kite asterism which seemed fitting for the spring occasion of the season.
Happy Easter!
Cindy (Thia) L. Krach
Eclipse time 12:16-3:45HAST
Umbral Phase 1:58-2:03 HAST
Maui, HI
Black Strathmore Artagain paper
Conte Crayon & x colored pencils, white charcoal pencil, brush technique to apply colors
Contrast adjustment in Photoscape
The Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8th 2014 as seen from the skies north of Catherine, AustraliaDetail of background sketch of full Moon that had color applied
Total Lunar Eclipse of October 8, 2014, observed T250, Australia, north of Katherine. Nice atmosphere in the twilight moonrise partially eclipsed silhouetted against the red cliffs. This string is selected among the eight drawings, sketches showing the COLLECTED colors and visibility of lunar formations.
Full Moon déssinée the eve of the eclipse. It served as the background image for the realization of the rosary.
Beau spectacle que cette éclipse de Lune du 15 avril, observée en Nouvelle Calédonie. Chapelet réalisé au T400x80 pour bien mettre en évidence les couleurs orangées. Dessin aux crayons de couleur sur papier blanc, puis assemblage informatique.
Nice show that this lunar eclipse put on April 15th in New Caledonia. Sketch was done using Chapelet’s T400x80 to include the orange highlights in the obvious places. Drawings completed with colored crayons on white paper, then computer assemblage.”-translation by Frank McCabe
The Lunar Eclipse and occultation of April 15, 2014
Tonight after setting up with friends and being thwarted by clouds, I raced home to see if I could still observe part of the lunar eclipse from a different location. Upon arriving home I found it was clear and quickly set up my 15×70 binoculars. I was delighted to see h Virginis just peeking its bright head out from behind the limb of the Moon and quickly started a sketch of my observation. The umbra had almost made it over the last portion of the limb and the remaining edge was brightly lit. The Moon took on a coppery glow and the stars shone nearby that normally cant be observed during full Moon.
After careful plans to observe the total lunar Eclipse of Dec 10th 2011 in the Portland city center, fog formed late, so plans to relocate were rushed at the last minutes as we drove fast from the city to the Columbia River Gorge Crown Point Oregon Vista House, yet only to find a hundred people, photographers, etc, most were ensconced in their cars with engines running, while Gorge east winds gusted to 60 mph with 25 degrees F.
So I set up my Celestron Nexstar 5i telescope anyway, huddled into the wind-shielded side of the Vista House with a few brave other photographers. I made quick mental notes of the image at medium power through the telescope and began to photograph crudely as the wind buffeted the scope and my Sony NEX5 camera poised high and teetering on its tripod over the telescope eyepiece. It was difficult at times as I began to speak as my hands froze and unable to operate the telescope or the camera, worse, many people approached then asking me if I could tell them what was happening as I appeared as the only professional with serious equipment in the grueling wind and freezing temperatures. They heard in the media and then recalled all the hoaxes of misunderstanding of the moons image as a rare visible sight setting in the west while the sun rose in the east. I had to explain the atmospheric effects of light bending through a natural lens. It was fun and although the constant fumes of diesel engines running for those who would not disembark from their warm cars, a few of us weathered the bitter cold, ironically lady friends of mine stayed until sunrise, where my professional photographer friend dressed in Alaskan outback parka and full proper clothing, refused to get out of the car.
Much in post preparation was then later made in the past week at home to produce this accurate large technical documentary dry pastel sketch onto 19″ X 25″ black Strathmore pastel paper completed today, December 19th 2011. It comprises a time span of possibly an hour as the moon was also observed at speed in my Mercedes side view mirror as I drove out the I-84 highway at super-legal speeds, the earths red shadow on the moon changed fast. So the sketch is possibly at just before full totality. Then daylight began to creep up in the east just as I arrived and set up the telescope [as depicted in the reflection of the old historic gas street lamps at Crown Point. Portland’s city lights 30 miles to the west are seen under a shroud of fog. This is also rendered in the sketch and as a final artist’s conception, the still deeper reflection of the moon as an image seen in a mirror within a mirror, on the Vista House windows.
I got up at 3:50 am this morning – crystal clear skies & not too cold, maybe 50 degrees, out on my deck with my 7×50 binocular. At that time the moon looked like a 25% crescent with the remaining body visible. At 4:10 it was so lovely, just a faint SW arc of light still on the moon & the shadow a dark dusty orange. The sky became dark enough to see stars around the moon – an eerie sight. At ~4:45 the eclipse appeared complete but clouds were coming in & it was even difficult to see the outline but I could still make out nearby stars. The moon just disappeared in totality and was difficult to locate without binocular aid.
Object: Lunar Eclipse
Equipment: 7X50 Nikon Action Extreme Binocular
Date: 12/10/11 @ 4:10 am
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Media: Black art paper, pastels & colored pencils
This is my sketch of the Lunar Eclipse. In Poland the initial phase and the main phase of the eclipse was impossible to observe. But we could watch the final phase of the eclipse.
This sketch shows the Moon coming out from the shadow of the Earth.
Objects: Moon – Lunar Eclipse
Date: December 10, 2011
Time: About 16:25 – 16:35 (4:25 – 4:35 PM)
Place: Nowy Sącz, Poland
Equipment: Binoculars Bresser 10×50
Conditions: faint fog, light pollution.
Technique: Pastels on navy blue art paper. Correction and tooling with GIMP2
Author: Aleksander Cieśla (Wimmer)
This is my first composite sketch of a total lunar eclipse that took place yesterday on June 15, 2011. It was the first of two such eclipses in 2011. The second will occur on December 10, 2011.
I used graphite with blender and an orange pencil colour. Sketching was done at the 40mm eyepiece using SCT 8″ f/10. Conditions were clear and seeing was 7/10.
The individual sketches were made on scanned sketches of the full moon. Scanning was done at 600 dpi and processed using GIMP. I enjoyed sketching the various phases of the eclipse especially during the fast-changing penumbral phase.
In my sketches I tried to capture the interesting tonality of the orange colour shading visible over parts of the eclipsed region of the moon.
This was a relatively rare central lunar eclipse, in which the center point of Earth’s shadow passes across the Moon. The eclipse was visible rising over South America, western Africa, and Europe, and setting over eastern Asia.