Messier 37

Messier 37
Messier 37

Clear nights this winter from my New Jersey location have been few so when the night of March 9th presented a clear sky I took advantage and did several sketches of open clusters in the Auriga and Gemini region. Submitted here is my sketch of M37 which I believe turned out to be the best sketch of the lot. A beautiful densely packed cluster of stars in Auriga M37 reminds me very much of the open cluster M11 in Scutum.

Location – NJ, USA
Telescope – Orion Astroview 100 Refractor, 32mm Plossl, 2x Barlow, 37.5x
Media – Laptop computer using MS Paint and MyPaint programs

NGC 6231

NGC 6231
NGC 6231

Altough my previous contributions have been made through my big dobson Obsession 635mm, I propose this time a drawing of an observation with a L 80 Megrez.

NGC 6231:

Object name: NGC 6231
Object type: Open cluster
Constellation: Scorpio

Date of observation:
07 juin 2004 20:08 UT

Length of observation:
32 min

Object position:
Alt: 54.2°, Az: 129.9°

Weather conditions:
Twifeldfountain 20h00: t~12° V0 huns

Observation conditions:
T0 P0 S1/104 ! (on a scale from 0 prefect to 5 very bad)

Observing site:

LC 80/500 Megrez II SD

Main eyepiece:
Televue Nagler 7mm Type 2



Sketch made with pencil on booknote, then final drawing processed with Paint Shop Pro and Starspikes Pro.

My notes are: the cluster is no so huge as NGC 3532, no so colored as NGC 4755, but for me, I’m asking if it isn’t the most beauteful and dramatic cluster allover the sky.
In Namibia, in my Megrez 80, it is rich, brillant, contrasted, with both weak and dazzling stars. At 45° high, I counted beetwen 90 and 100 stars, according to the visual limits, more or less the ones of the Dias catalogue.
And it is also interesting to know that I couldn’t point at more than 55 stars with my TSC Meade LX200 / 254mm from the french southern Alps. But It’s true to precise that, from that place, the cluster reached 4.2° of altitude!
You can have more details at

Clear skies
Bertrand, from Marseille / France

NGC 2169 “37 Cluster”

NGC 2169
NGC 2169

NGC 2169 “37 Cluster”
Open Cluster in Orion
Alcorcon, Spain (urban sky)
February 3, 2013 00:30 am
New 10” – dobson

Pedro Villamiel

Media: Graphite Pencil HB 2, torchon 1 and 130g drawing sheet
inverted colors with GIMP 2.8

This drawing I did in the terrace of my apartment one night that tube to return the field without being able to observe because of clouds and hail that fell.

Nebulous Star of Al Sufi

IC 2391 (Omicron Velorum Cluster)
IC 2391 (Omicron Velorum Cluster)

Object name: IC2391, Lac II.5;
Object type: open cluster;
Constellation: Vela ;

Location: SĂŁo Paulo _SP, Brasil;
Date: 12 mar 12 – 03/12/12;
Hour: UT 04:31 ( -3 west);
Media: graphite pencil HB, 2B, 4B e 8B; white paper 120g/cm2, inverted color in GIMP.

Type of equipament used: Maksutov 90mm telescope Skywatcher, eyepiece superploss 40mm ( ~31x magnification), EQ1.

High light pollution, seeing 8, transparency 6.
Guilherme de Andrade

Funny Cluster

NGC 884 and NGC 869 (Chichoty)
NGC 884 and NGC 869 (Chichoty)

It has many names “hi X Persei” , “double cluster” , NGC 884 and NGC 869, Caldwell 14 ..
In Poland we used to give a lot of funny names of astronomical objects 🙂
The Polish, word “chichoty” (in translation: “giggles”) is phonetically similar to the name (“chi ha”)

I think everyone knows it. Sometimes inexperienced obserers at the sky-party ask me what’s the white cloud in the north?. When I say “giggles” people always begin to laugh 🙂

This name usually evokes positive emotions, and sometimes “real giggling” especially in children! 🙂

NGC 884 and NGC 869,…. they are really beautiful to observe with the naked eye. Captivate to observe in the binoculars. Bat It shows the true incredible face in large aperture of telescope, under the dark sky. Beautiful, classic, clusters. I love especially the left (below), NGC 869 (in the image of Newton).
What can I say – it is a wonderful !!!

Sketch is actually a compilation of 30 minutes of staring into the clusters.

Yours Robert

Sketch details:
Object Name: double cluster (Funny Cluster 🙂 )
Object Type: Open cluster
Location: Poland, Oborniki
Date: 6-11-2012
Equipment: Newtonian telescope 409/1800 (Capella 41), 40 and 22 mm eyepieces
Object: – Artist: Robert Twarogal (Ignisdei)

The 37 Cluster

NGC 2169
NGC 2169

hello asod, sent this sketch of the last observation. This open cluster has something special and reminiscent of 37 resulting in a spectacular asterism.This day the moon was present and disappeared before midnight, but did not stop at all observe this interesting deep sky object.greetings and thanks.

Object name: ngc 2169
Object type: open cluster
Location: bonilla cuenca ( spain )
Date: 14 february 2013
Media: graphite pencil,processed and inverted gimp 2.8
Optical equipment: dobsonian telescope 10″ meade lightbridge,eye piece explore scientific 14mm 82°
magnification 90x true field 0,9°

Sky conditions: Clear Calm,16% moon.nelm 5,4. Temperature 2,6°C relative humidity 70% borthle scale.