Reflections on the Running Man

NGC 1977

NGC 1977, The Running Man Nebula in Orion
Sketch and Details by Jeff Young

At first I was somewhat disappointment with this sketch, as I only managed to capture about 1/2 the nebulosity that O’Meara did in his “Hidden Treasures” — and he was using all of 4″ of aperture (albeit from under pristine skies and with the advantage of altitude).

On the other hand, my considerable focal length (4000mm) is more similar to instruments of the 19th C, and if you equate my light pollution to their poorer-quality optics, then my sketch goes a long way toward demonstrating why Herschel (and later Dreyer) gave this nebula 3 separate designations (NGC 1973, 1975, 1977).

In any case, one draws what one sees, not what one should see.

Running Man Nebula / NGC1973, 1975, 1977

Reflection nebula in Orion

Sketched Jan 28, 2009 from County Louth, Ireland,

as viewed through 16” Mak-Cass @ 150X; Pickering 7, NELM 5, SQM 20.4

Daler-Rowney HB Graphic pencil on white 160gsm cartridge paper. Scanned and inverted in Photoshop.

— Jeff.

4 thoughts on “Reflections on the Running Man”

  1. Jeff,

    This is a most impressive and realistic sketch as seen at the eyepiece of a moderate to large aperture scope.

    Frank 🙂

  2. Bravo Jeff,

    Excellent work, you need feel no disappointment. My deep sky observing friends & I often talk of what Mr O’Meara achieves with his 4″ refractor from Hawaii. You are right his skies are incomparable with ours coupled with his high altitude, exceptional eye, pure oxygen breathing and dare I say ‘fertile’ imagination. Our work from more humble locations is never going to compare. Look at his work for inspiration not comparison ;o)
    Clear Skies, Dale

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