Star Ghost in Puppis

Star Ghost in Puppis

NGC 2440 a planetary nebula in Puppis
Sketch and Details by Bertrand Laville


Here is my contribution, concerning NGC 2440.
If you are interested, you can have much more details on my website

x102 Nagler 31mm
The planetary nebula is obvious, hazy, elongated, with a very bright and concentrated central region. Its colour is light blue, not very vivid.
x890 Nagler 3.5mm without filter
890x is the best power, since seeing is very good. PN is relatively tiny; its structure can be precisely detailed.


Bertrand Laville

4 thoughts on “Star Ghost in Puppis”

  1. Bertrand,

    I concur with the above comments of Dale and Marek. Your other sketches at your website are equally beautiful.

    Frank 🙂

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