Object Name (NGC 4666 and ASASSN-14LP)
Object Type (Galaxy and Supernova)
Location (Observatoire Astronomique de Bauduen – Provence France)
Date (2014 12 21)
Media (graphite pencil, white paper, just rapid usage of Paint.net to invert the B&W)
Here’s the sketch I made while looking at this galaxy. The mag. estimation I did is far better than expected : 11.2.
A target easy to find because the galaxy NGC 4666 is quite big and very close to gamma Virgo with a confortable magnitude, but the SN is very close to the galactic centrum, only 12 sec of arc!!, so to separate the two lights the use of the 24″ helps a lot.
Very fine sketch of galaxy NGC4666 made all the more impressive by capturing the near nucleus supernova.
You have many beautiful sketches at your website. I like that slide show about the observatories too.
Frank 🙂
Enjoyed your sketch of SN in NGC 4666. 24″ is a lot of light! Thanks for sharing your view.
Hi Michel, this is a valuable observation that I could not perform with my “little” 12″ dobsonian… 🙂
Thanks for sharing, happy new year and clear skies.
Jean-Marc (astroclub APAM – Fr)