The Butterfly Cluster

Messier 6
Messier 6

Object Name: M6 Butterfly Cluster

Object Type: Open Cluster

Location: Alcala de Guadaira (Spain)


M6 is an open cluster in the constellation of Scorpius. It is a young cluster formed by blue stars very near the galactic plane. The estimated distance is about 1,600 ly.

Its shape resembles a butterfly: Several bright stars form two attached rhombi, what correspond to the insect body on which you also find a delicate pattern made of weak stars. Several curved lines and double stars complete one of the most beautiful summer open cluster.

Date and Time: 2013-07-05, 23:30 GMT

Telescope: Mak 102/1300 f13, Ocular: 21 mm (62x), left-right inverted view. Seeing: 3-4/5. Magnitude limit: 10,6.

Media: Graphite pencil on white paper, inverted.

More details:

Best regards,


NGC 6642

NGC 6642
NGC 6642

This diminutive globular is at a distance of 25,000 LY’s, which is 2.5 times farther than M 22, yet, M 22 appears 21x larger through our telescopes! NGC 6642 is not just farther away, but smaller and fainter. My latest blog has details around my observation of M21 & NGC 6642 both well down in the weeds from my 52 deg north home in the UK.

NGC 6520 and Barnard 86

NGC 6520 and Barnard 86
NGC 6520 and Barnard 86

Hi, this sketch of open cluster barnard 86 of my last observation. It is a wonderful object, we can enjoy this jewel in the night sky. That day I could enjoy a very stable sky very definition, hitting that day to draw this magnificent object. Undoubtedly one of my favorite dark nebulae. Do not fail to escape this object in your upcoming observations.
regards and good heavens.

Object name: NGC 6520 / Barnard 86
Object type: Open cluster & dark nebula
Location: Bonilla cuenca ( spain )
Date: 5 July 2013
Media: graphite pencil,processed and inverted gimp 2.8
Optical equipment: Dobsonian telescope 10″ F/5 Meade lightbridge , eye piece Explore scientific 18mm 82°
Magnification 70x True field 1,1°

Sky conditions: Moderate windnelm Nelm 5,9 Temperature 23,4°C relative humidity 40% Borthle scale 3/9 web site

Messier 11

Messier 11
Messier 11

Hi, I send my sketch of Messier 11.This is an open cluster of stars. To see her enough already binoculars, but a telescope reveals all her beauty. M11-called “wild duck” deserves recognition-a lkiczne stars and is against the stars of the Milky Way. This cluster of very beautiful przezntuje at about 100x magnification and wide field eyepiece view.

Daniel Stasiak

Object name: M11

Object type: open cluster of stars

Location: Psary in POLAND

Telescope: Dobson 12″

Eypiece: MEADE Possl 5000, 14mm

Power 107x

Date: 17 Juni 2013


NGC 6231 in Cebu

NGC 6231
NGC 6231

My family went to international trip to Cebu, Philippines.

The Cebu’s latitude is N 10.2˙.

So I prepared 8inch travle dob (Uti 8) and observed deep sky in the resort beach.

The weather of Southest Asia is very changeable in the midnight.

For 3 nights, I drew a only one cluster! It located bottom of Scorpious.

Object : NGC 6231 (Open Cluster)

Location : Korea

Date : May. 19, 2013

Media : Black Paper, White jelly pen

Petals of a Planetary – NGC 2818

NGC 2818
NGC 2818


I submit to you my sketch of planetary nebula NGC 6818 and the beautiful open cluster of stars that frame it, NGC 2818A, in the southern constellation Pyxis. The night was exceptionally clear & still at ~10,000 foot elevation site of Haleakala.

At the eyepiece this planetary appears as a greyish, elongate & irregular ghostly object within a lovely, but dim open cluster of 10th to 14th magnitude stars. On prolonged observation this open cluster takes on the appearance of petals of a flower with the planetary somewhat offset in the central region. The planetary nebula is best seen with averted vision and a narrow pass band filter which is helpful to better define the borders.

Though NGC 2818 & its often cited as a member of this open cluster of stars, accurate measurement of their velocities suggest this is a only chance alignment.

NGC 2818 & NGC 2818A in Pyxis
Planetary Nebula / Open Cluster
Haleakala National Park, Maui HI
5/8/13 8:45pm
12.5” Portaball
14mm ES, 109X
DMG NPB Filter

Cindy (Thia) Krach
Haleakala Amateur Astronomers