First Time Barred

Messier 83
Messier 83

Barred Spiral Galaxy
Itajobi, SP, Brazil
21º19’S / 49º06’W / +515m
2011, july 20th
23h40min (U.T.)
NELM: 5.5
2B 0.5mm graphite pencil on white paper 75g/cm², scanned then inverted
180mm (7.1″) f6 reflecting telescope, dob mounted
Super Plössl 20mm eyepiece
No filter employed

That was a cloudless, hot, calm night. The seeing was good, Antoniadi 2, and the naked eye limit magnitude was pickering 5.5. I observed a barred spiral galaxy for the first time, it was M83. I could see all the features sketched only by averted vision, because with direct vision it looked like a simple spiral with a bright core. It was a fantastic experience, so I had to register it. I hope you like my sketch, I loved that moment. For about one hour I just couldn’t take my eye from the eyepiece. That’s the result.

Best regards from South Hemisphere
Rodrigo P.C.

3 thoughts on “First Time Barred”

  1. Rodrigo,

    Nice detail in your sketch. This is a tough target from my location but I’ll bet it is well placed for you, nicely done.


  2. Thanks, people. JayinUT, the core was really bright, very beautiful. Frank, it’s an easy target from Brazil, and for sure it worths an hour or two of observing.

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