Moon and Jupiter on a Summer Night

Moon and Jupiter on a Summer Night

Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
Sketch and Details by Carlos E. Hernandez

I was able to view the Waning Gibbous Moon (it was full yesterday) and Jupiter over the western horizon while experiencing intermittent thunderstorms. The pair was striking as they appeared to be floating between cumulus clouds over the western horizon. The Moon was approximately 5 degrees and Jupiter ~10 degrees above the western horizon. 
A digital image produced in Gimp.

3 thoughts on “Moon and Jupiter on a Summer Night”

  1. Carlos,
    This is interesting sketch. I saw this conjunction in Greece near the Mount Olympus, but the sky was quite dark not blue.

    good work

  2. I saw this at Waterfront Park New York at a public star party with The Amateur Observers of New York.

    Too cloudy to sketch , nice view , just like your sketch.


  3. Carlos,

    Very nice it almost looks as if was taken from a hot air baloon.

    Frank 🙂

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