Open Cluster NGC 6940 in Vulpecula

NGC 6940, an open cluster in the constellation Vulpecula
NGC 6940, an open cluster in the constellation Vulpecula

Greetings to all the ASOD community, I share this sketch of a fascinating open cluster in the constellation Vulpecula. It is amazing the eyepiece, lots of stars of various magnitudes with asterisms of all forms in the imagination and also a double star, all accompanied by the gaseous layer that surrounds the star cluster. Very good image even at low power.

Best regards.

Object name: NGC6940
Object type: Open Cluster
Location: Pueblonuevo del bullaque Ciudad Real ( Spain )
Date: 29 August 2014
Hour: 00:00 < 00:00
Media: Graphite pencil, processed and inverted gimp 2.8
Optical equipment: Televue Genesis SDF 101 F 5,4 Eye piece Ethos 8mm
Magnification 67x True field 1,5°
Sky conditions: Transparency 3/5 Seeing 2/5. Temperature 15,9°C / RH 53% SQM 21,40 Bortle 3/9 web site

4 thoughts on “Open Cluster NGC 6940 in Vulpecula”

  1. NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula, the NGC 40, NGC 6995 the Veil Nebula, and here NGC 6940 in Vulpecula. What a nice sketch serie ! It’s so interesting to see what can be seen through the EP facing the classical colourful photo views.

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