Hope and Elegance in Lynx

NGC 2683
NGC 2683

Hi! to the community, sending a sketch of the last observation turned nice. This galaxy can be found in the constellation Lynx near Alpha. It is a very bright galaxy by its surface brightness 12.9 resulted in my wonderful scope for the great amount of detail offered, was not at its highest point in the sky but it was no problem. It seems that at the bottom below the elongated core could see a faint dark area running along the core from side to side, someone detect this subtle detail?

Soon ends the year and my wish for you, follow every day sharing our hobby with others like the first day without losing hope in these difficult times, having clear and transparent skies to continue sketching.



Object name: NGC 2683
Object type: Galaxy
Location: Bonilla Cuenca ( spain )
Date: 1 December 2013
Hour: 1:00 < 1:30
Media: graphite pencil, processed and inverted gimp 2.8
Optical equipment: Dobsonian telescope Meade Lightbridge 10'' F/5 Eye piece Ethos 8mm
Magnification 159x True field 0,6°

http://dibujodelcielonocturno.blogspot.com.es/ web site

3 thoughts on “Hope and Elegance in Lynx”

  1. Roberto,

    I enjoyed the lovely circle of stars framing the galaxy. You have captured it nicely.


  2. Thanks mates for the comments, not to miss in the coming months this jewel in the sky. Regards


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