I send this time a most interesting nebula for amateur-astronomers,
the light- variable Hubbles nebula! Info on my sketch.
The observation was made from Trondheim, Norway.
I used color-crayons on black paper.
Have a good time and dark sky from Per-Jonny Bremseth.
N.B. : In Norway it is summer, and the sky is light, so nothing to see of stars!
At last a chance has come over these holidays to do some observing. Top of my list is Wolfgang’s Webb Society object of the season , Bi-polar reflection nebula in Orion, NGC 2163, not even listed in the Keppler & Sanner bible!
In the last hour I picked the nebula up readily enough by star hoping to the target but had to keep the exposure time of the video camera shorter than usual due to the residual breeze. That said I’m pleased with the result, it is an interesting object and a first observation for me. Appearing as a bow tie N-S in position there are a couple of dark notches visible and a short dust lane in the lower lobe in my sketch. I hope other member get sketches and images too.
The evening of December 4th (morning of the 5th) was a beautiful night at one of my favorite spots 8 miles from my home on the road to Haleakala National Park. Very clear & very dark. I am finishing up my Planetary Nebula project with Astronomical League and at midnight decided to take a break & try for the Horsehead Nebula again while I was totally dark adapted. Last year I was elated to locate it from my driveway but didn’t sketch it at the time. This year I hoped from a darker location it would be even better, but I decided to just look and not get my hopes up.
After enjoying views of the Flame Nebula I placed Alnitak out of my field of view to the north. Using my 27mm & Narrow Pass Band filter I then placed NGC 2023 to the north inside my view and looked for the 2 – 10th & 13th magnitude guide stars to follow into the Horsehead.
I could see a dim dark patch with averted vision, hood over my head and an eyepatch on the opposite eye. After a short time I could make out the thumbprint of the head with some brightness around the rim and with longer observation a notch appeared to the NW. Some tiny stars also present themselves around the head as well as a linear brightness running N/S through IC 434. I then changed to a 20mm with h-beta filter and more light and dark details of IC 434 appeared, though overall it appeared darker. I got to work sketching & writing up details.
As I was finishing my sketch I heard a “whinnying” sound nearby. I froze because it sounded close and I was all alone. After a moment I realized its an app my daughter has on my iPad that makes horse sounds periodically. It just happened to do so while I was observing the “Horse”! I giggled and ended the night there. What could top that!
B33, IC 434, NGC 2023
Dark Nebula, Emission Nebula, Reflection Nebula
Haleakala Highway 6,000 ft el, Maui, Hawaii
12/5/13 12:00pm, 10:00 UTC
12.5” Portaball, h-Beta & NPB filters, 20mm 76x
Charcoal pencil, charcoal with brush technique, white paper
Inverted with Photoscape software
Object Name: Messier 78
Object Type: Reflection Nebula
Location Observatorio Municipal de Mercedes “Ingeniero Ángel Di Palma”, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date 23/11/2013
Media graphite pencil, white paper, Photoshop
Reflector Newt 6″ (130-900), Ocular BST 12 MM, 75X
Seeing (1-6) 3.
Constelation :Orion.
Local Time: 23:30
Mag: 8.0
Sebastian Castagna Estación Vientos del Sur Mi Colección de Meteoritos
Object name: M 45, Pleiades Cluster
Object type: Open cluster
Location: Bangalore, India
Date: November 2nd 2013
Media: Black ink, graphite pencil, MS Paint.
Object: 20 Trifid Nebula
Location: Mt. Nerone
Date 3rd Aug 2013
Pencil on white paper
This nebula is quite low at my latitude and thus is always submerged in the light pollution halo from cities in the south. This makes it a quite difficult object without a nebula filter. I have obtained the best results with an UHC-S filter. I also tried with an OIII filters which gives outstanding constrast on Lagoon Nebula, which is just nearby, but it is not the best for the trifid.
Did some observing and sketching in the Sagitarius region on 8/24/2013. Very “crowded” area of the sky … so much to see and sketch. What caught my eye was the view of M20/M21, both easily visible in the FOV of my rich field scope. Hope I did it justice.
M20/M21 Nebula/Open Cluster
Warren County NJ
Orion Astroview 100 Refractor
Sketched on a laptop computer
NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula), IC 434, B33 (Horsehead Nebula), IC 435, NGC 2023
In attachment you can find sketch of nebulas complex in Orion around
Alnitak – NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula), IC434 and B33 (Horsehead Nebula),
IC435, NGC 2023
Short description:
Object Name NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula), IC434 and B33
(Horsehead Nebula), IC435, NGC 2023
Object Type emission nebulas and dark nebula (Barnard 33)
Location Budy Dłutowskie – small village in central Poland
Date 04.03.2013
Media graphite pencil, white paper, color invert
Telescope Columbus 320UL (320/1384 Newtonian) +
Orion Q70 26mm + TS H-Beta 2”’
Seeing 2/5 (good)
Transparency 2/5 (good)
NELM 5,5 mag
I’ve heard that is possible to observe B33 under medium sky
condtitions (5-6mag) using 12” or bigger scope and H-Beta filter and
I’ve wondered is it true… In 2012 I bought 2” TS B-Beta filter and
after some months of really bad weather in Poland I tried it three
days ago.
When you looking thru the eyepiece you can see Alnitak and misty
shadow of flame nebula. All views using H-beta filter are really dark
so you need few minutes for eye adaptation and you need also to cut
off from all external light sources (using some towel on head or
something like that 🙂 ).
After this adaptation really faint fog of IC434 will appear and in the
middle you can observe small black roundy shaped place in this nebula
– this is the shape of B33.
You won’t observe horsehead shape in 12-16” telescope probably even
in extremely good sky conditions. To see horeheadshape you need 18”
or bigger scope and H-Beta filter.
But its worth to try to observe it. It’s a challenge which can give
you knowledge how you can “detect” and observe really faint objects.
Object Name: NGC 1980
Location: RA: 05h 35m 25.9s, Dec: -05 ° 54 ’35 ”
Magnitude: 2.5
Dimensions: 14′ x 14’
Constellation: Orion
Type: Open Cluster associated with nebulosity.
Observing Location: Bonilla. Cuenca. SPAIN
Date: December 9, 2012.
Time: 23:15 T.U.
Material used: Graphite pencil on white paper. Inverted image and processed with Photoshop.
Celestron Telescope S / C 8″ Mount Cgt-5
Eyepiece: Hyperion Aspheric 31 mm; Magnification: 65x.
Conditions: NEML: 6.13 (Zone 6 Peg.) Temp.: 0.4°C; Humidity 68%.