This was my first time seeing a transit in the Jovian system….
The bands came a little tilted in the first sketch due to change in observing orientation…..
As the time of the “last” transit of Venus is perhaps ended, I would like to show all an old
but spectacular observation of a transit of Mercury I made in 1970.
My sketch shows not only a solartransit, but the planet also passed over a close bipolar
It was interesting to observ the absolute black Mercury with the umbra in the spots.
The umbra was easy seen brighter. My info on sketch is in norwegian!
This was a lucky observation, indeed!!
Location : Trondheim, Norway.
I used pen and pencil on this original sketch.
Thanks for nice comments on my sketches!!
Have a clear sky and nice time to all!
I’m AhmadReza Hoseini from Alavi Association of Astronomy.
I and my َAstronomy students in Alavi high school in Tehran had a memorable Observation of Venus transit in 6 June 2012.
This sketch from Ali BabaNalbandi is the best in students’ sketches.
in addition, I attached some pictures of our observation for you.
Excuse us for the delay in sending this sketch.
We have got familiar with your site during this month and we hope to have better communications and interactions with you in future.
Sketch Properties:
Observer: Ali BabaNalbandi
Object Name: Venus Transit 2012
Object Type: Sun & Venus
Location: Alavi (High School) Association of Astronomy, Tehran, Iran
Date: 6 June 2012
Media: graphite pencil, charcoal, gouache, watercolor
Observing Tool: SkyWatcher 8″ Dob
Weather: Sunny and clear
seeing: very good
Yhank you
A.R. Hoseini
Astronomy Teacher at Alavi Association of Astronomy
(Alavi High school)
This transit was our last chance to observe, you know. It was really interesting that I had literature exam!
OK, there are some words in the sketch in Persian, but I’ll translate them here.
It’s starting from that part which has :
Time: 2:44
Time: 2:59
Time: 3:29
Time: 3:59
Time: 4:29
Time: 4:59
Time: 5:29
Time: –:–
Time: –:–
(The times are not local.)
Object Name: Sun & Venus
Object Type: Star & Planet
Location: Tehran_Iran
Date: 06/6/2012
Media: White Paper + Black Pencil
Equipment: 130 mm Newt & Maylar Filter & 25 mm super plossl
Weather: Sunny
Object Name (Venus transit…)
Location (Néoules – Provence – France)
Date (06-06-2012 & 13-06-2012)
Media (red wine, graphite pencil, watercolour)
Refractor 1000/102
I made this sketch directly while the sun was rising, just with pencil on white paper.
I had to sketch very quickly.
Today, at home I used yellow watercolour and black for the dark part of the sky
For the clouds I used red wine pigment, from here we are in France.
I was on a hill, the time for this sketch was 3:50, 2 or 3 minutes before the theoretical sunrise time, so my telescope was downwardly inclined. Strange and fantastic souvenir.
Clear sky to you all
Michel Deconinck
Site Web:
Hey, can I send a compilation of my sketches and photos which I described in my journal of astronomical observations. Here I translated my notes from Polish to English 🙂
Sketch / note no. 1 – “The course of events in my telleskopie Newton 200/1200”
Venus looked like a solar disc immersed in the stain. Sketch shows its position relative to the Sun at 5:22. I threw the image of the Sun and Venus with a telescope 60/600 on the white paper, and marked its location. Then at 23:30 pasted this sketch in my journal of astronomical observations.You can also see a group of sunspots.
Sketch / No. 2 – “End phenomena”
During the final stage of the phenomenon of Venus was still evident. But the nearer edge of the Sun was located, the bardziiej could see “black drop effect,” which have said the sketch.
sketch no. 3 – “Goodbye transit of Venus in 2117 years or 20 125: (”
The moment when the transit of Venus ends the last of this century is very difficult. I held my breath. I’m glad I saw it but when Venus left the disc of the Sun at 6:54 I felt a great sorrow. With barely said goodbye Venus.This was my first and the phenomenon of this type, k, I thank God for good weather. I hope that the next transit of Venus seen from the sky.
Object name: Transit of Venus an the Sun
Location: Psary in Poland.
Telescope: Newton 200/1200 power 48x.
Date: 6 June 2012
Media: White paper, pen and pencil, my journal astronomical observations:)