Luminous Butterfly

Messier 6
Messier 6

object Name – M6 “Butterfly cluster” sketch
Location – bohyun Mountain, Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, S.KOREA
Media – pencil, charcoal , white Paper(croquis book)

XQ 10″ Dob / Explore 14mm 100′(2 inch)= “89x”

supplement image Link – twenty second afterward butterfly shape gif “M6 sketch”
(20 second please….gif butterfly shape….)


m6 butterfly shape sketch edit supplement gif image Link

The Hercules Globular Cluster

Messier 13
Messier 13

Hello! Last night I observed the most beautiful globular cluster of our sky. M13, also known as “Hercules Cluster”, has a a diameter of about 110 ly and is about 23500 ly away”!!! It’ s fantastic to see, is my favourite DSO. I obseverd it with my dobsonian telescope 10” f/5, with two different eyepiece: WA 12mm (104x) and SuperPlossl 9mm (138x), it’ s always wonderful!

Object name: Messier 13, Hercules Cluster
Object type: Globular cluster
Location: Copertino (LE), Italy
Date: 08/08/2013
Media: Grafite pencil on White paper; inverted

Messier 7

Messier 7
Messier 7

Object: Messier 7.
Type: Open star cluster.
Location: Bangalore Karnataka, India.
Date: 18-Aug-2013.
Media: White paper, Black Gel pen, inverted and processed in Photoshop CS2..
Seeing condition and transparency was very bad..
Instrument: Sky 130mm Newtonian, Sky watcher EQ-1, wide angle plossil 20mm.

Hi guys, sky in Bangalore has been very bad since few months due to monsoons. Sky was a bit clear towards south today, so quickly, I recorded this from mid of light and air pollution. So could not see many dimmer stars.

Antares and Messier 4

Antares and Messier 4
Antares and Messier 4

Here, I send you one of my first astronomical drawings; Ive started only a few months ago and I think it’s a new way to enjoy the wonders of the sky.

Best regards


ASOD: ” Antares and M4 in the fog”

Object Name: Antares and M4

Object Type: Star field and globular cluster

Date: 31/07/2012

Location: A Coruña, Galicia. Spain.

Media: pencil, white paper, color invert and enhance with Gimp.

Miyauchi binoculars Bj-100 (26x)

Seein: 2/5 (good)

At this time of year, Antares and Scorpio are low on the southern horizon. This is a drawing done before the beautiful red star disappeared into the fog.

Messier 21

Messier 21
Messier 21

Returning home from an all day 50th birthday party at 10.30pm under a clear sky gave me an opportunity to get a little observation in that resulted in a little sketching, it had been a scorcher of a day hitting around 30 deg Feraheiht . I ended up viewing and sketching a couple of low targets down in Sagittarius which was well placed, if not well presented being very hazy and rather bright sky wise at SQM 19.5. My first sketch is of Messier 21 an open cluster that was missing from my Messier folder. I was running both the un cooled 120N+ Watec camera, and the new cooled one, the former on the 6” refractor and the later on the 20”. The 6” gave a larger fov so I sketched that view of this open cluster which lies very close to the Triffid nebula M20 as this image from friend David Davis shows

What I liked most about M21 is the lovely circular asterism of stars above the knot of brighter central gems, very pleasing.

Keep up to date with observations from Chippingdale Observatory by reading the Blog

NGC 2244

NGC 2244
NGC 2244

The real difficulty with this sketch was not to see the object in the eyepiece, but mostly the cold temperature (below -20C with humidity and wind). Unfortunately I couldn’t see the nebula, probably mostly due to its large apparent dimension

Object Name: NGC 2244
Object Type: Open Cluster
Location: St-Elzéar, Québec
Date: December 30th, 2011
Media: white chalk on dark blue paper, scanned black and white
Instrument: Meade 16″ + 50mm Eyepiece
Weather: uncovered and cold !

Louise Racine

Omega Centauri

Omega Centauri
Omega Centauri


the sketch of omega centauri is being attached here.

the details are,

Omega Centuari – The brightest Cluster visible from our Earth
Name: Adarsh A.

Object: Omega centauri
Type: Globular Cluster
Constellation: Centaurus
Location: Coorg, India
Date: 20-02-2013
Media: White paper, Graphite pencils. Inverted image.

Equipment: Celestron 130EQNewt. Reflcr.
Eyepiece: 40mm
FOV: 5.8 degrees
Sky conditions: bit hazy

Adarsh A.

The Butterfly Cluster

Messier 6
Messier 6

Hello! This is a my sketch of one of the most beautiful cluster of the sky; the only but light Yellow/orange star make a fantastic contrast with the other bluish stars. I used my dobsonian telescope 10” f/5 and WA 12mm (104x).

Object name: Messier 6, Butterfly Cluster
Object type: Open Cluster
Location: Copertino (LE), Italy
Date: 3/7/2013
Media: India ink on white paper; inverted

Conjunction: Pluto and Palomar 8

Pluto and Palomar 8
Pluto and Palomar 8

Object Name: Pluto and Palomar 8
Object Type: Planet and globular cluster
Location: Cherry Springs, Pennsylvania
Date: July 17, 2013
Media: graphite pencil, white paper, digitally inverted
Notes: 16″ Newtonian and 8 mm Ethos ocular, 225x. West left (arrow on sketch), north down. Pluto is indicated between two vertical dashes among stars. The nebulosity is the unresolved globular cluster Palomar 8. Sagittarius. The true conjunction was around 0 UT on July 15; the observation was made around 06:00 UT on July 17.

Omega Centauri (NGC 5139)

Omega Centauri (NGC 5139)
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139)


Out on my deck, too tired to set up the telescope this night, I observed with my 7×35 Nikon binocular instead.
Locating Omega Centauri amongst the trees was a treat, particularly since there was a lovely asterism of 6th & 7th magnitude stars beneath it that look like the Big Dipper with a curved tail.

Object: Omega Centauri, NGC 5139
Object Type: Globular Cluster
Location: ~4,000 elevation, Maui, Hawaii
Date: 4/17/12, 10:35pm
Media: White paper & pencil. Inverted with Photoscape