Mons Pico and surrounding terrain

The Lonely mountain

Mons Pico and surrounding terrain

Mons Pico and surrounding terrain
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Object Name: Mons Pico and surrounding terrain.
Object Type: Lunar mountain.
Location: York, UK
Date: 19th April 2013
Media: graphite pencil on white paper

A Day 9 moon and clear skies, and Friday, all meant sketching. Mons Pico is an isolated mountain peak (2400m) in the north of Mare Imbrium. The mountain probably marks the northern border of the inner basin ring of the Imbrium, which was afterwards mostly flooded by Mare lavas. For context I also filled in some of the surrounding peaks and nearby Plato. Wrinkle ridges on the Mare near to Pico form a roughly circular outline with the Mountain border to the north, suggesting that they mark the rim of a buried crater, known as Ancient Newton. However, there is still no confirmatory evidence of this. Pico is about 10km long. Montes Teneriffe, to the West, are about 100km long tip to tip.

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