Thin Moon and Jupiter

Thin Moon and Jupiter

I was able to view a very thin Waxing Crescent Moon (2.8 days old, -7.96m, ~34.5 degrees above the western horizon) and Jupiter (-2.06m, ~23.5 degrees) over the western sunset sky on March 7, 2011 (23:15 U.T.). The sky was a brilliant orange-red color closest to the western horizon with lavender blue clouds above it. Jupiter was peeking through the clouds and the thin Crescent Moon was a ghostly figure in the pastel blue sky.

A digital image produced in Pixelmator

Carlos E. Hernandez

2 thoughts on “Thin Moon and Jupiter”

  1. Carlos, it seems we share the same sigh. Particularly I prefer the handmade sketches, although I really enjoyed yours. Congratulations.

    P.S. what’s the location?

  2. Carlos,

    A beautiful sketch from your location in southern Florida.

    Frank 🙂

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