The Lord and the Leviathan

Lord Rosse M33 
This is a page from the observation/sketch notes of Lord Rosse, the 19th century Irish engineer and astronomer who built and operated the “Leviathan” at the time the largest telescope in the world, a 72″ metallic speculum mirror (actually there were two, one polished and ready for use and the other being polished and made ready to exchange when the first mirror started to show signs of tarnishing in the moisture prone weather of Birr Castle). This is just one page of many that Deirdre Kelleghan, the President of the Irish Astronomical Society, sent in to ASOD, Thanks Dee! We would also like to thank the the Webb Society for making these images available. Do you recognize this galaxy at the bottom of the page?

Rich Handy
ASOD Webmaster

One thought on “The Lord and the Leviathan”

  1. Thank you Dee and Rich for posting this great sketch from the notes of Lord Rosse. Based on the description and time of year I would guess this is M-101.


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