Multiple Stars – Split Personalities

Multiple stars 

Due to my newly found enthusiasm for observing, measuring and, of
course, sketching Double and Multiple Star Systems, I’ve decided to
present a selection of some of the most well-known star systems of that

Clockwise starting in the upper left corner, you will find Mizar and
Alkor in Ursa major, already known since ancient times. The upper right
corner shows Albireo, the indicator of late summer / early autumn and
for many observers one of the best double stars in the sky. The lower
right corner shows Epsilon lyrae, the famous double Double, I got the
proportions wrong there, nevertheless a fascinating sight. Finally, the
lower left corner is a drawing of Alamak in Andromeda, the “Autumn
Albireo”, as many call it, shining in the colors yellow and blue-green.
These four sketches represent the most well-known double stars,
basically any observer knows, however there are many other fantastic and
rewarding Double and Multiple Star Systems out there, so when you are
planning your next observing night, maybe you are going to visit one or two.

All sketches were made with a 6″ Newtonian f/5 at varying
magnifications, the conditions were good, around 6 mag, Bortle 4-5
skies, average seeing, pencil sketches, digitally re-worked.

Don’t forget to click on the sketch, which will take you to a larger
version and a better view!

Sebastian Lehner

3 thoughts on “Multiple Stars – Split Personalities”

  1. Sebastian,

    This is a beautiful collection of sketches! I haven’t observed any of these doubles for some time, but your sketches look exactly as I remember them. Well done!


  2. Sebastian

    Excellent renderings. Very neat to see both Albireo and Alamak on the same page. All of these stars are very pleasing to observe and easy for anyone to find. Nice post.


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