Messier 56

M56 in Lyra

Messier 56
Messier 56
By Chris Lee

Object Name : M56 in Lyra
Object Type: Globular Cluster
Location Bristol, UK
Date: 18th May

Media Sketch at the scope and transfered into a digital tools package
Had to head out into the countryside to capture this since my backyard rarely reveals any detail of M56 beyond a faint blur. Used a Nexstar 8SE. Even at this location the central region was hazy but I did get a much better impression of the “depth” of this GC.

Thanks for considering this

Chris Lee

5 thoughts on “M56 in Lyra”

  1. Chris,

    This is good, realistic sketch.
    I suppose, only the globular cluster is pencil painted.
    The stars field is added digitally. Am I right?

    🙂 mpp

  2. Chris,

    This is always a summertime stop on a clear night. Nice sketching.

    Frank 🙂

  3. mpp – yes I sketch at the scope taking note of any shapes and field stars then scan into Photoshop. I have my own “starbrush” that conveys how I think I see the stars and a mag scale linked to my field notes. I apply this to the scanned image and remove the original points. Any nebulosity etc is then blended in and grey-scaled. I re-orient the view for N-W set up. I then annotate and adjust levels.


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