
M106 (NGC 4258) A Canes Venatici Galaxy

Messier 106
By Kiminori Ikebe

Difficulty level 3

This galaxy’s arm is easy to find. This galaxy is bright and of mid-size with a spindle-like or diamond shape. There is a stellar nucleus in a small core. In the north and south arms are clearly visible. The northern arm is particularly bright with its outer part is sharply defined. The southern arm is fuzzy but clearly seen. With averted vision the whole galaxy appears enveloped by faint halo.

Date of observation: 1996 / 04 / 27 01:40
Observing site: Kuju, Japan
Transparency / seeing / sky darkness: 3 / 3 / 4
Instruments: 32cm Dobsonian with PL eyepiece 12.5 at 120x
Width of field: 0.4 °

Translation by Eiji Kato

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