Comet Tuttle and M33

Comet Tuttle and Messier 33

Comet Tuttle and M33
Comet Tuttle and Messier 33
Sketch and Details by Giorgio Bonacorsi

Hi,astronomy lovers,how are you? I’m fine now, i sent you the last sketches of Tuttle, realized behind my house with binocular 16×80. I have realized this in three time: first the comet and stars around Tuttle, second the stars in the central of view, third M33 and the stars around them.
The temperature are very icy,but the sky are fantastic!
Good year and clear sky.
Ciao, Giorgio.

One thought on “Comet Tuttle and Messier 33”

  1. Giorgio,

    Very nice combination of shallow and deep space. It is always fun to make such an observation. Thank you for posting for all of us to see.

    Frank 🙂

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