Leo Triplet

Leo Triplet

Leo Triplet
Leo Triplet – Messier 65. 66, NGC 3628
Sketch and Details by Mark Radice

Please find a sketch of the Leo Triplet (M65, M66 and NGC3628) attached for your consideration. It was made at my dark sky site in southern England through a recently completed homemade 8.”5 Newtonian. It was a pleasure to find the third galaxy, NGC 3628, readily visible when compared to the view through my 4″ refractor. When you consider the volume of stars in each galaxy, it is wonderful to be looking at three galaxies in the same field of view. The sketch was made using HB & 2H pencils and blending stump on to white paper and then recreated in Adobe photoshop.



3 thoughts on “Leo Triplet”

  1. Mark,

    During the first clear nights of Spring I find myself revisiting this trio.
    Your sketch is an exciting capture to me. I have yet to make that sketch but I am enjoying yours.

    Frank 🙂

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