Kepler to Marius

Sketch of Craters Kepler and Marius

Kepler, Marius and Surroundings
Move mouse over image to view labels.
Sketch and Details by Peter Mayhew

Object Name: Craters Kepler and Marius
Object Type: Lunar craters
Location: York, UK
Date: 28th December 2009

The terminator of the day-12 moon struck through crater Marius. With Kepler to its left, it was a fine sight. I was surprised to observe that Marius is larger than Kepler, although of course the latter is more striking to the eye due to its rays. Wrinkle ridges north and south of Marius appeared hummocky by virtue of their crossing the dome-ridden Marius Hills, to the west of Marius on and beyond the terminator. I include a labelled version.

One thought on “Kepler to Marius”

  1. Peter,

    Very nice sketch and I like the mouse over. Careful accurate work on the Kepler rays.

    Frank 🙂

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