A Brilliant 15 Day Old Moon

15 Day Old Moon

15 Day Old Moon
Sketch and Details by Erika Rix

2009 July 8, 0240UT – 0535UT
Lunar, Erika Rix
PCW Memorial Observatory, Zanesville, Ohio USA
Orion ED80 w/WO dielectric diagonal, LXD75, 21-7mm Zhumell, 13% T moon

Lunar phase 352.2°-350.9°, 15.3-15.42 days
Temp: 17.6°C-11.7°C, H: 59%-86%
Alt: 11°02’ to 27°10’ Az: 132°18’ to 170°38’
Libr. Lat: 01°32’ to 01°24’, Libr. Long: 00°00’ to -00°37’
Seeing: Antoniadi II, Transparency: 3/6
Light cirrus, calm

Sketch created scopeside with black Strathmore Artagain paper, white
Conte’ crayon and pencil, white Prang watercolor pencil, black oil
pencil, black charcoal pencil.

The ray formations for last night’s (early this morning) Moon were
spectacular as was the terminator line to the east, showing specks of
rugged crater edges that looked suspended over the terminator edge.
Aristarchus and the surrounding area looked like two deep, bright gouges.

7 thoughts on “A Brilliant 15 Day Old Moon”

  1. Wow, Wow, Wow Erika that is my kind of drawing, just delightful. I wish I could begin to emulate such work!


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