This sketch show the inner coma seen in 166x magnification!
The false nucleus was diffus and had a flat intensityprofil (not stellar).
An outstream from nucleus to south was observed and a fainter to north.
Two faint streamers was seen to east (tail).
In 10 x 50 binos., I could see a round and diffuse comet with a very faint,
long tail. The dia. of coma was estimated to 18 arcmin.
The coma was grey, D.C. : 4, Mag.: 4.2.
This time the comet was high on the sky, and easy to observe!
Best wishes from Per-Jonny Bremseth.
Nice looking close in view of comet Lovejoy.
A fine sketch.
Frank 🙂
Very good observation Per-Jonny.
Christian Heidescoper and myself made two very similar sketches of the pseudo-nucleus of this superb comet!
Thanks to share this here
Excellent sketch , reminds me of one I did of Comet 17/P Holmes back in 2007