I found this comet in Cassiopeia the other night (August 24) near the colourful double star Struve 3053 and thought it made a nice composition. As I observed over the course of an hour I was surprised to see how quickly the comet moved against the background stars from the position I first sketched it at 11:15 local time to the position indicated by the X at about 12:10. The observations were made with a 120mm F/8.3 refractor at 42x in a 68 degree eyepiece from my Orleans, Ontario backyard.
Yeah another “Jacques” sketch !…
ISON and Lovejoy did not make such a buzz…
Tomorrow we might have ASOD “Jacques rendez-vous” with Herschel Garnet’s star… 🙂
Nice composition Gordon, I will have a look at this very nice Stuve 3053.
I discovered also one double red&blue in Cephei (I thought that Albireo was alone…)
I confirm that the velocity of this comet is incredible.
It is going to decrease from now.
Jean-Marc (APAM astroclub – Fr)
Very nice capture of comet Jacques and the colorful double.
I have really enjoyed all the fine sketches of this comet over the past 2 months.
What has helped with this comet is its visibility late at night.
Frank 🙂