Another Look Near to the Altai Scarp at Higher Sun

The lunar craters Riccius, Rabbi Levi, Zagut and Lindenau near the Altai Scarp - July 4, 2014
The lunar craters Riccius, Rabbi Levi, Zagut and Lindenau near the Altai Scarp – July 4, 2014
Riccius, Rabbi Levi, Zagut and Lindenau - Labeled
Riccius, Rabbi Levi, Zagut and Lindenau – Labeled

Two hundred or so kilometers to the southwest of the Altai Scarp you will find a mix of large and small highland craters that may catch your eye as they did mine. Many have written of the “boring” look-a-like craters of this region but good lighting can make a big difference in appeal here. Ancient Riccius crater (71 km.) is a worn, an almost obliterated remnant, covered and surrounded by crater from 10-15 km. of various ages. Adjacent to Riccius is crater Rabbi Levi (81 km.) with an interesting short chain of craters across its floor. The next crater Zagut (84 km.) is the largest of those in the sketch with Zagut A (11 km.) near the center of the floor and Zagut E (35 km.) pushed through the eastern wall of Zagut. Next to Zagut is crater Lindenau (53 km.) which is younger than the other large crater here as evidenced by the sharper rim and what looks like a part of a central peak remaining.
A fine summer evening of observing and sketching after a long spell of poor weather.
Sketching and Equipment:

For this sketch, I used black Strathmore 400 Artagain paper 8” x 12”, white and
black Conte’ pastel pencils and blending stumps.
Telescope: 10 inch f/5.7 Dobsonian and 6 mm eyepiece (241x) riding on an equatorial platform
Date: 07-04-2014, 01:15-02:50 UT
Temperature: 16° C (60° F)
Clear, calm
Seeing: Average – Antoniadi III
Transparency: 4.5/5
Colongitude: 349.0 °
Lunation: 6.7 days
Illumination: 36 %

Frank McCabe

7 thoughts on “Another Look Near to the Altai Scarp at Higher Sun”

  1. Whaw Frank, that’s a big deal ! This kind of area is so difficult to sketch! Thank you to share this new masterpiece.

  2. It is really conte drawing?
    Your technic and artistic sense is always amaging!
    I hope to learn your moon sketching method someday.. 🙂

  3. Nightwid and Dale,

    Thank you guys.

    i can’t get enough of this lunar sketching.

    Frank 🙂

  4. Hi Frank,

    impressive sketch! Simply wonderful!
    BTW: Quite funny: I live in a German village called Lindenau… 🙂


  5. Christian,

    Thank you.

    I’m certain the Lindenau of Germany is a much nicer place to live than the Lunar Lindenau.

    Frank 🙂

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