4 thoughts on “Luna del Este – East Moon”

  1. aguss :
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Thank you so much for publishing it!!! I want to congrat all of you for this superb web page. I want to thank the forum http://www.espacioprofundo.com.ar too, where i learned tons of astronomy observation and gave my first steps!!
    I wish you can pass by the brand new sub-foro http://www.espacioprofundo.com.ar/foros/dibujo-astronomico-f108.html, where we are beginning a large jorney through this amazing branch of astronomy.

  2. aguss :
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    aguss :
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Thank you so much for publishing it!!! I want to congrat all of you for this superb web page. I want to thank the forum http://www.espacioprofundo.com.ar too, where i learned tons of astronomy observation and gave my first steps!!
    I wish you can pass by the brand new sub-foro http://www.espacioprofundo.com.ar/foros/dibujo-astronomico-f108.html, where we are beginning a large jorney through this amazing branch of astronomy. 😀 Big greetings!!

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