M64 -Black Eye Galaxy
Object Type: Galaxy
Location: Tarragona – Spain
When I watched M64 for the first time with my 5″ SC, I thought I was whatching an awesome galaxy. But on the night of May 11, I could see how important telescope aperture and dark skies really are. The image with my 9,25″ SC was very impressive. I attach the sketches in order to compare the two nights. Really, both have their own charm.
For more details of my observation you can visit my blog:
Date and Time: 2010-04-10, 21h 47m UT / 2013-05-11, 22h 36m UT
Telescope: SC Celestron Nexstar 5i (127mm) / SC Celestron 9.25″ (235mm)
Eyepiece: Nagler 16mm (69,44x / 146,88x)
White paper, HB2 graphite pencil, and scanned and inverted with Photoshop
Seeing: 3/5 (5 the best) – Both
Transparency: Clear. Rural Skies – Both.
Location Constellation: Coma Berenices
Position: R.A. 12h 56m
Dec. +21° 40′
Thank you and best regards.
Bella comparazione è un disegno ben fatto e preciso.
Grazie Mzurizio 🙂