Messier 109

Messier 109
Messier 109


Please find hereby a recent sketch of the barred spiral galaxy M109 in Ursa Major, made during our astro-holiday in Northern France about a month ago. That night the sky completely cleared out with impressive SQM values around 21.6 – being amongst the highest possible in light-polluted Western Europe.

One of the objects scheduled to revisit was Messier 109, since it contains a complex barred spiral structure that is difficult to visually discern. Attentive averted vision under a dark sky though brings out these beautiful features!

Sketch details:

Location: 18 April 2015 – 23h54 UT – Grandpré (Fr)
Conditions: NELM 6.6 – SQM-L 21.6 – Seeing moderate
Optics: SCT C11 (279mm f/10) – Nagler 13mm (215x – FOV 23 arcm) – no filters
Media: graphite pencil on white paper, scanned & inverted using GIMP2


Large diffuse face-on galaxy, displays a bright core containing a diagonal barred structure through a round, mottled glow. Attentive averted vision brings out a subtle theta-like structure, less intense at the eastern side and more pronounced on the northwest and southern outer side. The inside of the barred spiral, to the eastside of the core, appears more dark and contains a nice faint field star.

Additional observations of that night can be found in the deepsky database

Clear nights !


Jupiter – 1 April 2015

Jupiter - 1 April 2015
Jupiter – 1 April 2015


This sketch of my favorite planet of the solar system, that day their moons aligned, the great red spot and below this, the shadow of Europe, the picture was very rewarding and enjoyed meeting observation, but since the city only allows this type comments, try to have a place for these events really impressive. The original sketch was reduced and adjusted as is the eyepiece.

Best regards.

Jupiter and Moons - 1 April 2015
Jupiter and Moons – 1 April 2015

Object name: Jupiter
Object type: Planet
Location: Madrid City ( Spain )
Date: 1 April 2015
Hour: 22:15 < 23:20 Media: Graphite pencil, processed and inverted gimp 2.8 Optical equipment: Dobsonian telescope 10'' F/5 Eye piece Ethos 8mm + Barlow 2x Magnification 317x Sky conditions: Seeing 3/5.

Goddess of the Dawn, and Dawn


I went to Sweden Kiruna and Norway Svalbard at March for aurora & total eclipse.

Aurora is very beautiful.. and dynamic.

I observed that overnight, and dawn is comming.

Dawn color of sky changed constantly, I drew the color gradation using my smartphone and touch pen.

Object name : Goddess of the dawn, and dawn

Object type : Aurora and Dawn sky

Location : Sweden Kiruna

Date : 15 March, 2015

Media : Samsung Galaxy Note4, Touch pen, Sketchbook App

(Below picture’s person is me, Making this digital drawing)

Sketching the Aurora
Sketching the Aurora

Messier 104 – The Sombrero Galaxy

Messier 104
Messier 104

• Object Name: Messier 104 – The Sombrero Galaxy

• Object Type: Spiral galaxy

• Location: Pueblonuevo del Bullaque – Spain

• Date: 2015.2.22

• Media: Graphite Pencil HB 2, torchon 1 and 130g drawing sheet

• Inverted color and stars with GIMP 2.8

Observation notes:

Los objetos más importantes se les suele echar un vistazo siempre que están a nuestro alcance, pero las sensaciones son siempre distintas en cada observación. Antes de esta observación y no sé porque, esta notable galaxia, nunca me había llamado la atención.

The most important objects are often look so long as they are within our reach, but the feelings are always different in each observation. Before this observation and not know why, this remarkable galaxy, never caught my attention.

Greetings to all visitors of this page.

Pedro Villamiel
Alcorcon, Madrid 20.02.2015

Nova Sagittarii 2015

Nova Sagittarii 2015
Nova Sagittarii 2015

Hi ASOD. I’m from Lincoln, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is a sketch made in “El Triunfo”, Argentina. See this types of object are important opportunities for see different object than usually. I’m very lucky for have seen this Nova.

Object Name: Nova Sagittarii 2015

Object Type: Nova

Location: El Triunfo, Argentina

Date: 19/04/2015 at 2:30 a.m.

Media: Pencils 6H, 4H, 2H, HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B, white paper and inverted with PS

Telescope: Meade Dobson 8″

Eyepiece: BST 18mm

Weather: Clear

Seeing: Excellent

I hope you enjoy the sketch. Regards & Good Luck!